
As a general rule: if you have doubts about whether or not you can bring something, it’s probably not allowed. Personal belongings that you bring to a concert and that are not allowed cannot be stored for you. Therefore, do not take unnecessary and / or valuable belongings with you. The less you take with you, the faster you will be able to enjoy the concert.
It is not allowed to take large bags or backpacks. For detailed measurements please read Terms & Conditions of the festival.
Bags with a maximum of A4 paper size and 10cm deep are allowed. During festivals this is applicable to the festival site, but for the camping site the general festival rules are applied. You can find those on the website of that specific festival.
You are not allowed to bring any of the following items:
Beverages, hard plastic bidons or similar bottles, food, drugs, (laughing) gas cartridges, spray cans (sunscreen, deodorant and perfume excluded), provocative face covering clothing, umbrellas, selfie sticks, electronic equipemenet such as tablets, recording equipment, Go-Pro’s or similar, weapons, chains or other items that can be used as a weapon and/or that can disrupt order. Toxic, flammable and/or explosive materials, fireworks, flares, pets or other animals, foldable or non-foldable chairs or stools, walking sticks (medical crutches excluded), needles, unmanned aircrafts like UAV or drones, or other dangerous items.
For further details please read Terms & Conditions.
The following items are one allowed with a medication passport: Strong medication, food and fluids that are required in connection with an allergy or illness.
In the event that, in the organizer’s opinion, certain items may be a danger to health, safety and/or public order, these items may be refused by the organizer. In addition, the organizer is permitted to, if necessary; take additional measures at specific events.
By buying an admission ticket and / or entering the location of the event, the visitor agrees to the house rules. KPOP NATION reserves the right to revise these house rules. The general conditions of admission tickets of KPOP NATIONS apply to these house rules. Violation of the house rules can lead to the denial of access to the event location without refund.
For further details please read Terms & Conditions.

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